常見問題 FAQ - 明信片 Postcards

1. 請問明信片的規格如何 What are the specifications of the postcards?

Unless specifically indicated, the specifications for the postcards are as follows:

  • 尺寸 Size: 150mm x 100mm
  • 紙張重量 Paper Weight:315gsm
  • 紙質Printing Materials:特種紙 Specialty Paper

2. 請問一套明信片包含多少張 How many postcards are included in a set?


Each set contains 4 postcards, all featuring different designs but from the same public housing estate. The sets are not mixed with postcards from other estates.

3. 請問確認訂單後大約多久會收到明信片 How long after confirming the order will the postcards arrive?


Due to the time required for printing, packaging, and dispatch arrangements, you can generally expect to receive your order within 15 to 30 days after confirmation. Should there be any delays, we will notify you via email or phone. Please be patient. Unless under special circumstances, we do not accept rush orders.

4. 請問可以在收到明信片後退貨嗎 Can I return the goods after receiving postcards?

Once the goods have been dispatched, returns or exchanges are not accepted.

5. 請問寄出明信片後的運輸安排 What are the shipping arrangements after dispatching the postcards?

For shipping, there are two options: local (Hong Kong) and overseas (including Macau, Mainland China, and Taiwan).

香港 Hong Kong :

  • 訂單總金額為$600或以下,會採用香港郵政本地平郵;
  • 訂單總金額為$601或以上,會採用順豐速遞,屆時將會附上順豐訂單號碼以便買家追蹤。
  • For orders totalling $600 or less, Hong Kong Post's local surface mail will be used;
  • For orders totalling $601 or more, SF Express will be used, and an SF order number will be provided for tracking.

海外 Overseas :

  • 不論訂單總金額為多少,均會採用香港郵政空郵。除非額外安排,否則恕不提供進蹤郵件號碼。
  • Regardless of the order amount, Hong Kong Post air mail will be used. Unless special arrangements are made, tracking numbers will not be provided.

6. 萬一明信片寄失了怎麼辦 What should I do if I suspect that the postcard has been lost in the mail?

If you have not received the postcard and suspect it may be lost, please contact the seller as soon as possible. We will coordinate with you and follow up according to the actual situation.

7. 可以選擇貨到付款嗎 Can I choose cash on delivery?

Cash on delivery is not accepted unless you meet the specified purchase amount and choose face-to-face transaction. Payment must be made in advance before shipment can be arranged.

8. 請問有甚麼付款方式選擇 What payment options are available?

  • 一般信用卡或扣帳卡 Credit Card or Debit Card(Visa / Master / AE / 銀聯)
  • Payme
  • 轉數快 FPS
  • Paypal
  • Apple Pay
  • Google Pay
  • 銀行過數 Bank Transfers (中國銀行 Bank of China / 匯豐銀行 HSBC)
  • 現金 Cash(僅限消費滿指定金額並居於香港,選擇面交之賣家 Meet in Person only)